POISE Recruitment

Recruitment centres

We will be recruiting women from a number of sites across England and Scotland to participate in the study

We are currently in the process of opening our first sites, more details to follow. If you would like your hospital and/or clinic to be involved in the POISE study, please email: poise@nottingham.ac.uk


POISE Recruitment Update

We will provide details of recruitment numbers here. Please keep checking back in for updates.


POISE Open Recruiting Centres
 Site Name Site Number
University College London Hospitals        01
Liverpool Women's Hospital  02
Norfolk and Norwich  03
Imperial College Hospital London  04
Aberdeen  05
Edinburgh  06
Sheffield  07
Oxford  08
Birmingham Women’s Hospital  09
Salisbury  10
Barts Health  11
Birmingham Heartlands Hospitals, University Hospitals Birmingham  12
Cambridge  13
Derby  14
Guy’s and St Thomas’, London  15
The Christie, Manchester  16
East Lancashire  17
Bristol  18
Nottingham  19
Chelsea and Westminster, London  20
South Tyneside and Sunderland  21
Kings College Hospital, London  22
Glasgow  23
Leeds  24


Map of Open Recruiting sites

 POISE Open Sites Map_26Jun23


Please click here to see site map in Google